
Friday, June 3, 2016

The Shut In

Sleeping Girl

 I have been sick all week with the flu, and have been The Shut In.   I don't want my children to get sick, so I've been mostly staying in my room!  Thankfully, I have older girls who can cook, take care of the younger ones, and bring me things.  This is a blessing for sure!  I remember when I was a mother of only little ones, and my feeling unwell meant me getting up anyways, and sometimes resting on the couch, keeping an eye on the little ones. Sometimes they would get to watch a video so I could take a little nap there on the couch.

My girls have been taking care of me, and doing okay with the house.  Sadly, it is not in the state it would be if I was out there checking up on them!  But hopefully I will be all better soon and will be back at being Mommy.  I do miss my children very much.  They say "Hi" at my doorway and blow kisses, and they still say their prayers with me at my door every night.  My younger ones have been upset that they have not been able to hug me, but I do not want them to get this!

I have been praying every day that they would not get sick from me, and so far, the Lord has spared them.  I am so very thankful.  I have had a few that have felt the beginnings of sickness come upon them--a funny feeling in their throat.  And I will let you in on what I do when that happens.  I give them up to 3 doses of Aconitum Napellus 200 at the first sign of sickness.  This is a completely natural medicine, and many times this is enough to stop the sickness in its tracks before it progresses, or shorten the duration or severity of it.  With homeopathic medicine, you stop giving the remedy as soon as there is improvement.  Some of them also like to make a drink out of water, raw apple cider vinegar, and raw honey.  As for me, my fever, fatigue, chills, and body aches are gone.  However, my throat is still bothering me quite a bit.  Hopefully I will be all better soon.

Even though I don't enjoy being sick, I know the Lord has allowed this for me.  I have been able to use this time to rest, catch up on some paperwork, and other quiet tasks in my room.  I am also so thankful that this week was not one of our big shopping trip weeks!  Thankfully, we have had enough of what we need here at home, so I haven't had to go out.

I hope you all are well, and appreciate your prayers ♥

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  1. I just said a prayer for you. Hopefully no one else will catch it and you will soon be able to hug your babies.

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! I really appreciate it, and I hope you are doing well.

  2. I've been praying!! Thank u for the tip... A homeopathic kit is on my WishList. My family does well with aconite.

    1. Thank you for praying, Tami! Yes, owning a homeopathy kit is so helpful! I hope you can get one.

  3. Sorry to read that you are dealing with the flu! Hope you are well soon and that everyone stays healthy. Lots of sleep is the best medicine. God bless you all.

    1. I am much better than I was, thankfully, but have not been able to rest well because when I lie down at night, I always start coughing! Thankfully, a few of my children only had some minor cold-like symptoms, and no one else has gotten as sick as me. God bless you too!

  4. Have you tried the trick of putting Vick's salve on your feet and then covering them with socks? I have heard this helps, but I sure can't tell you for sure if it does or how it does.

    1. Thank you, Homeschool Mom for the idea. I really don't use chemical things like Vicks. Thankfully I got better using natural remedies and lots of rest. Now I've been working on building my immune system. Hope you are well!


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