Thursday, January 19, 2012

Keepers at Home...Outside the Home?

How can you be a keeper at home, when you're not in the home?  How can you watch and guard what enters in, when you are not there to observe?  How can you train up the children, when you're out at a "job"?  How can a wife and mother "guide the house" (1 Timothy 5:14) when she is out earning a paycheck somewhere else?

East End Farm, Moss Lane Pinner
East End Farm,...

Is this portion of scripture (Titus 2:3-5), just a nice idea?  Or is it vastly, immeasurably, important in God's eyes?  Did God put the woman's role in His holy Word for us to take it or leave it as we see fit?  Does the woman's role change with the times, or with the economy, or is it set in place by a God of order and more wisdom than we have?  See Genesis 3:16-19.  Can a man take on the woman's role to bear children and nurse them?  Then why put the role of providing on a woman's shoulder's?  (1 Timothy 5:8)

Can a wife be subject to her husband, when she is placed under the demands of an employer?  Can a mother be available for her children, if she must leave them for an outside job?

The Bird Cage
The Bird Cage

It really is so sad, that the dollar is so important that we feel we must put it above our families and their well being.  It is so sad, that mothers are made to think they are not contributing unless they get paid for their work.

Where have the good men gone, that will work by the sweat of their brow so their families have bread, the happy husbands who feel blessed to have a wife at home taking care of things so they can be better providers?  Barring unforseen circumstances, (such as death or disability which renders him unable to do any sort of work), a man should provide for his family.  This is God's way!  And God's way is always best.

"What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and work flow.”
~Martin Luther

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  1. This is outstanding! Thank you so much for this article!
    blessings - carol

  2. amen and well said!!

  3. Beautifully said. Sarah

  4. I couldn't agree with you more. Of course, we can't forget the wives/mothers who don't want to work outside the home but have to because the husband wants them to bring in a paycheck. I feel quite saddened for the women in this unfortunate dilemma.

    1. It is a predicament, Mara, and so unfortunate that husbands put this pressure on wives. Some say a wife does not have to submit to this request, though, because it goes against God's will for women.

  5. My husband says that I make more money staying home that I would being in the work place. See having all our little one in daycare would cause us a arm and a legs(since they are all close in age and still young) schooling outside our home is expensive (not that homeschooling can't expensive too) saving on another car, fuel, works clothes, groceries and much more...

    So by "working at home" being a keppers of our home, I'm doing God's will for our family and serving them with the gifts that I was given, no price tag atached!

    1. So very true, Mrs. Stam! Some women have calculated how much they actually earn and found they are LOSING money by going out to work.

  6. Mrs. Q,

    God bless you for this most excellent and encouraging post!! I wish this message was being taught by more mothers and fathers to their young sons and daughters. Thank you so much for your ministry.

    Very Sincerely,


    1. Thank you, Bonnie. It certainly does need to be taught by mothers, fathers, and pastors, too.

  7. Wonderful points. What's also sad is those are are able to stay at home and don't stay at home. Some wives and mothers seem so busy doing activities that they miss the benefit of actually spending time at home!

    1. Yes, a mother has to actually spend time at home too, even if she is not working, for it to be beneficial to the family.

  8. Mrs.Q, Thank--you for this article. I wish every man and woman could read it, especially young couples about to get married. Then maybe we could start to turn things back around to God's ways.

    1. Thanks for visiting again, Linda. I wish so many would read it too, and understand!

  9. Linda (and Mrs. Q), I was fortunate to have a change of heart soon before marriage (and so was my future husband)... Now I am staying home full time and planning on homeschooling our first baby due this April! I am so happy that we accepted the truth of Scripture, because we live in more freedom now than when we had more money to spend...

    1. That is so wonderful! I pray your sweet baby is delivered safely and may you get some rest!

  10. Much agreed! Unfortunately today, so very many women who are "Stay at home mother's" busy themselves, and their children with so much joining, clubs, sports, activities, etc., that they truly are rarely home. We cannot make a peaceful, Christ-centered home..where our husbands and children find refuge, if we are never in it to cultivate it!

    Wonderful post! God Bless!

  11. Love this post! And agree with Rightthinker 100% Blessings!

  12. I agree with you. One aspect of having a healthy home is having a clean home.

  13. Astonishing article. This is only possible through a family system given by God!


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