Wednesday, January 2, 2013

If You Get Hives, Read This

Close-Up of a Teapot with Herbal Tea and Honey

There are a few times in my life that I have broken out in hives.  Talk about no fun.  When I went to the doctor for it, they were no help at all.  Basically I was told that numerous things can cause hives, so really, they had no idea how to help me.  Just wait it out and see.

Well, I have an area on my leg that is prone to get one or two hives every once in awhile.  Actually, I haven't had the problem in quite some time and now I think I know why.  I regularly take a mixture of herbs that I encapsulate--it's a smoothie mix from Bulk Herb Store  called Circulatory Herba-smoothie.  I encapsulate it because I don't always have time to make a smoothie every day.  Well I ran out of my capsules and haven't even had time recently to make more!  I did some research on the Bulk Herb Store website--I love that site!--and found out exactly what I needed to know.  The site has a search box on the upper right.  I use it all the time.  You can type in a symptom or an herb you're looking for and it will give you information to help your ailment if the information is on the site.  I have been helped so many times with this.

This time I typed in "hives" to find herbs that would help with my hive problem, because they were starting to get worse.  The urge to scratch was about to drive me crazy.  I came up with the results of burdock root and nettle that help with hives.  I don't have either one of those at home.  But I did some more research and found out that my circulatory herba-smoothie mix I get from Bulk Herb Store contains burdock root, so it's probably been keeping the hives away.  But I didn't have any time to make that, so I checked if my Mama's Red Raspberry brew tea mix contained either burdock root or nettle, and I found out it contains nettle.  I made some tea and immediately felt relief from the itching!  I am so thankful for the things God made to help us feel better.

So if you have a problem with hives, you might want to try nettle or burdock root.  I have linked to the powdered forms which you can encapsulate, but Bulk Herb Store also sells them in cut herb form, which you can use in teas.  I have ordered from Bulk Herb Store several times and their shipping time is always very fast.

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  1. Lady Violet,

    My son has gotten hives before and when I took him in they said basicly the same thing. The problem with him though was that they were head to toe and internal so we had to keep benadryl in him for 2 weeks while the hives were there. Of course they are an allergic reaction to something. With him because of the seriousness of his hives we had him allergy tested and found out he is allergic to dogs and dust. We had just gotten a puppy a few months prior. Now we keep the dog cut real short and I dust all the time... no more hives. If you can find the source of the reaction you may be able to rid yourself of them completely.

    Amy Jo

    1. Amy Jo,

      I'm glad you were able to find a solution. I believe allergies are somewhat related to gut health.

  2. I love the Bulk herb store too! It has bben very helpful to me manmy times. Good information! I also have heard that skin problems, whether pimples or hives, can also (if not allergy) be from our gut health and/or liver health. Cleansing is sometimes needed. It can be so complicated and it looks that God gave you the answer you were looking for. But it might be worth looking into liver and gut stuff possibly to find the cause so you won't have to take anything to keep the hives from coming. Maybe??? Anyways, I thank you for your blog. Love it!

    1. Yes, it's true, Lydia. Pretty much everything is tied to the gut. I can't do any major cleansing right now, though. We are such frail creatures in need of the Lord to help us, aren't we?

  3. I love Bulk Herb Store, too. I order about half my herbs from them and use the search bar often. :)

  4. I love this tip. My daughter suffers with hives; I will have to try this remedy next time. I just received my first order from Bulk Herbs. I am trying their Red Rooibos tea.


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