Saturday, January 24, 2015

Good Morning Hugs

Mother Gives Her Little Child a Big Hug

Sometimes when we get up in the morning, it is so easy to scramble to get to our daily tasks.  Oh, and there are those same old people we always see in the morning.  We may not even notice the rise-and-shine sleepy heads as they come out of their rooms.  But this should not be so.

I've been making it a point to greet each one of my blessings with a good morning hug and kiss every day.  It sets the tone for the day--a tone of, "I love you.  You are not a burden, but a blessing."  I want to remind them, and remind myself, that this is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Let us take comfort in each other and in being together.

I think my children love their morning greeting from Mama.  They always return the hug and kiss and "Good Morning", and let me know if I didn't give them their greeting yet.

Thank you, Lord, for our children.  Our Blessings.

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