Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Last Homemaker in the World
Sometimes we women can get very discouraged in our role of homemaker. We expect and want praise and recognition for the job we do at home. It used to be that the homemaker's role was highly revered and respected, but for many, this is no longer the case. To the Church's shame, it is largely not even being taught to young girls, but they are instead encouraged to "aspire" to some worldly profession outside of the home. We housewives are seen as abnormal, not even to the unsaved, Godless world, but many times to those in the Church.
If this is your reality, are you letting it bring you down?
My question to you today is, What if you were the last homemaker in the world?
What if all the other women had left their children to be looked after by someone else? What if all other parents shifted their parental duties off to strangers? What if no one else taught their dear children at home, raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? What if all other women had jobs outside of the home?
What if you were the only one left who stayed at home and made sure your husband had a haven of rest when he came home? Who took care of the home with love, who trained up your children at home in the fear and wisdom of God? What if you were the only one left who taught her own children at home?
Would you still do it? Would you still stand?
This is the courage and conviction we need to have now, as if we are the last ones standing. The battle is so great. We must stand strong for our families and for the Lord. Many women are persuaded to leave their posts at home. Many women look on to friends or family who do not see the importance, value, and mandate for women to be keepers at home, and they have let the Enemy deceive them into thinking it's not so important after all. Or they have been lulled to sleep by the wicked one, thinking it doesn't really matter.
But it does. As for now, you are not the last homemaker in the world. We do have some fellow sisters in Christ who are standing. Let us lift up each other's arms for the battle and encourage each other to stand fast in this important, God-given work we have to do.
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What a lovely blog! Homemaking is such a privilege and a blessing that has been hastily overlooked by too many, I fear. I am still a homemaker though the children are long gone and I will be 70 soon. My husband drives a Big Truck and I am either with him on the road or it is my pleasure to cook healthy meals for him to have when I stay home to tend things here.
ReplyDeleteThat is so wonderful that you are still a homemaker. We need more women to realize the importance of being homemakers even when they no longer are raising children at home.
ReplyDeleteSome days I feel like the last homemaker in the world...lol Its so nice when I see others...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if folks consider it sin when a man decides it isn't necessary to work to provide for his family, and, if so, is it sin when a woman leaves her home to go work elsewhere and gives her children over to the care of others?
ReplyDeleteDeb, that is the man's sin, but a woman should never go to work to provide for her husband. If she goes out to work because he is lazy, he will definitely not be brought to repentance.
ReplyDeleteI so agree my dear! This was my life as my husband didn't work for almost half of our 21 year marriage. 😢
ReplyDeleteDeborah Grant I know, and the Lord amazingly provided for you! What a testimony of God's faithfulness! ♥
ReplyDeleteTo clarify, when a woman has a working husband but decides to go to work anyway, is it sin?
ReplyDeleteDeborah Grant God's Word says that women should be keepers at home, as you know. If she goes out to work, she is not obeying God's Word.
ReplyDeleteYes, exactly. But for some reason, most people, even those in the church, and even those in leadership, think it's perfectly fine for women to do whatever they desire, as long as their husbands approve. God's clear teachings (commands) are disregarded for women but not for men. Feminism has a strong influence over God's people and her ways are respected and encouraged in the church.
ReplyDeleteDeborah Grant Yes, you are right. This shouldn't be going on in the Church at all, but sadly it is. Women who are not following the Bible are clearly disobeying the Lord. It is so sad what feminism has done to the church. I pray that people will truly open their eyes and repent of this.
ReplyDeleteMe too, Dear. Here's a thought: I would imagine that most, many, all?, of the women following you would agree that a woman is never allowed to preach to men, even if they were to have their husband's and their pastor's approval. It's clearly sinful no matter who says otherwise, but when it comes to husbands and wives, God's will for wives and mothers is up for debate. We women want what we want and no one, not even the Lord himself, can expect any different, which is clearly rebellion against Christ and his beautiful and perfect plan for wives and mothers. And, in addition, having said that, in regards to married women who, for whatever reason, have no children in the home, still must consider God's word when he tells us that our husbands have headship over us in the Lord, so when we are working for others, women or men, we are now conflicted and under someone else's authority, in addition to our husband's. I believe this grieves the Lord because our marriages are a representation of Christ and his church. His authority and our submission to it is everything in God's economy, so when our husbands have to compete with anyone else for that place in a marriage, it is grevious, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteAmen! He has always provided! He is faithful. 🙏🙌❤️
ReplyDeleteDeborah Grant Yes, Deb, you are so right. This scripture does not apply only to women with children--not at all! Women being out in the workforce has caused so many problems in Christian homes and the world at large. A woman with a job does indeed find herself divided, as you say--she now has another authority other than her husband, and she is unavailable to him really to be his help meet (no, working at a job is NOT being his help meet, because God's Word has already given commandment in this area).
ReplyDeleteDeborah Grant and no, a woman is never to preach to men. That is unscriptural.
ReplyDeleteGod's word is The Truth and the truth will set us free. ❤️
ReplyDeleteDeborah Grant Yes, absolutely.
ReplyDeleteBlessed Homemaking ❤️😊
ReplyDeleteThanks for this timely article, it has encouraged me a lot that I will not turn my ears and heart away from what the Lord has assigned me to do in His will.
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome Michelle Hoon-Kooeemui. I'm glad it was helpful.
ReplyDeleteMy husband worked in a factory for 35 years and he loved the idea I was home cooking his meals and takeing care of the kids. He had a home cooked meal every night, and flowers on the table. We worked together we are a team
ReplyDeleteWilma Perry my husband and I are this way as well!
ReplyDeleteThis is the way the Lord meant for it to work.