Monday, October 9, 2017

What We Ought to be Teaching Young Girls

"The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."
~Titus 2:3-5

Is this a passage we have become ashamed of?  Clearly this is something Christian women are to pass down from generation to generation.  Will we do it?  Where is our encouragement?  Have we just accepted the status quo of young women giving their younger years to college or working hours?  Or are we instilling in them the desire for work at home, doing what is good in the home, being a help to their families?

This becomes difficult in some situations where girls are not being raised in Christian families.  But still, no one can force her to go to college or to go get a job.  Some of my worst experiences in my younger years were at places of employment, and I do not recommend it for young ladies.  It is much better to remain at home, assisting mothers and families with home duties, sharpening skills for married life when the time is right.

We need to get away from the attitude that men and women are exactly the same in Christ.  Yes, we are of equal value and importance.  Salvation is available to both men and women, boys and girls, but men and women are very different and have been given different roles by our Creator.  We need to encourage and train our young women in the Church to desire motherhood, marriage, and homemaking, not college and careers.  This, in itself, furthers the work of Christ's kingdom, as we strengthen families and as mothers bring up children and teach them about the Lord all day.  We must never fall prey to the false idea that this is not important work.  This is Kingdom work.  What closer form of discipleship is there than devoted mothers and fathers raising up children for Christ's Kingdom?  Fathers must toil away at work since they are the providers, but mothers are home to nuture and care for children.  And even if they are in a state of childlessness, wives still have an important job of taking care of matters at home while their husbands are hard at work.

What do we say?  Do we keep silent when the young women in our Christian circles go on and on about college and careers?  What do you say?  Do you wait for them to ask you questions?  Please share in the comments your ideas or what has been helpful for you.

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  1. I agree with you, but I don't usually give my opinion unless asked, or to my own children.

  2. Stephanie C October 17, 2017 at 12:34 PM
    Thank you! ❤️

  3. Douglas M October 17, 2017 at 2:23 PM
    Excellent article! Even in the conservative, reformed church that my wife and I attend, we hear the discussions about where daughters will be going to college. Nothing about marriage, bearing children and managing a home. Christians should want their women to be thoughtful, intelligent and articulate, but all too often sending our daughters off to college only feeds their fallen bent towards independence from men.

    1. It's very sad what feminism has done to the church :( . I don't see the point of sending daughters to college and can only see it taking away a God-given love for home. What daughters need to learn can be taught in the home.

  4. Ellie G October 18, 2017 at 2:28 AM
    I find it so natural for young girls, too. My girl follows me around the house and sponges everything without me hardly teaching her anything. She loves being a little homemaker. I will worry way less about her if she decides to stay home and marry in the church when she feels it's right.

    1. That's wonderful :) . Love having little girls to follow me around the house.

  5. Karen A October 18, 2017 at 10:52 PM
    When I hear of young ladies (teens) going off to foreign countries to do service (not really share the gospel to women and children because they don't know the language) in potentially dangerous environments, I get concerned. It seems to be how so many spend their summer vacation and it is greatly encouraged by youth group leaders. I don't see any example of this in Scripture. This isn't to say that a wife or daughter can't be a great help to her husband or father on the mission field. Have you seen this?

  6. Samantha J October 21, 2017 at 2:33 PM
    I agree with this article! This like what you and I were talking about. We need to bring back Biblical standards in the home if we expect to continue the will of God through the next generations. Also instilling Biblical convictions,and principles in girls while they are very young gives a better foundation to raising Godly seed for the glory of God!

  7. Heather H October 21, 2017 at 2:55 PM
    Amen & totally agree! Our twins (the oldest of 7 daughters) are 20 almost 21 & our 18 year old daughter are either home working on their talents within the home including: baking, art, music, writing, photography, etc. & practicing homemaking & helping with our new baby or the other children - or are out working under their father in our family cleaning & part time lawn care business. They have graduated home school & are constantly busy with never a dull moment being here with us still & waiting on God for if/when HE brings the right suitor. They're also very active in personal Bible study, prayer, daily family Bible times, & our Home Church. I was forced into the work force by my father at the early age of 16 until I was married at 20 & in public schools which were terrible! Even during my last years of high school & year of community college I was made to work part time & if not in any kind of school then full time work. I hated it all bc I wanted to be a wife & homemaker but in my case was fought against (even in a professing albeit CARNAL Christian home!) We are making SURE our daughters are PROTECTED & going in the direction of the BIBLE & NOT the world! I'm very THANKFUL for a godly husband of 24 years that believes in training your children (we just had #9 & 1 Grand Blessing now too) from the womb to the tomb Proverbs 22:6 in the ways of The Lord! 💙🙏

    1. Samantha J October 21, 2017 at 3:36 PM
      Mrs. Hartinger I know what you mean. I don't believe that I would be as equipped for life if I had to start working a 8 hour job now. I would miss out on learning how to cook, crochet, clean, sew, babysit, laundry, bake, raising little people, ;) conducting Biblical studies and oh so much more! Thanks to my mom Marisol!
      The point is that Satan knows that we don't have much time with our little girls. So if he can distract us from training them (because we are not firm in our convictions) then he can easily tempt them into the work force. And chances are they will be so busy that they will miss God's calling to be a keeper at home. I am not saying that a girl needs to stay at the spinning wheel waiting for her prince to come through the door never working, expecting to be "barefoot and pregnant" all throughout her marriage. I'll tell you that even though I am not married, and don't have any children. I know that being a keeper at home IS work! "Man works from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done"! ( high 🤚 mom!! ) And another thing being a keeper at home doesn't mean that you ONLY bake cookies and have children (I know women that believe this) I can still go and do woodwork, hunting, flying and many more things that I like to do.
      You just need to realize your calling and not have a false balance. A real woman will know how to balance her desires and her duties.

    2. Heather H October 21, 2017 at 3:37 PM
      Samantha J - Amen 🙏

  8. Jacqueline F October 20, 2017 at 2:46 AM
    Excellent!!! ❤


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