Saturday, November 20, 2010

He's Still in Control

Yesterday morning as I was cleaning up our bedroom I heard the children greet their father in the kitchen. He was home early from work (very early). I went to see what was wrong, and he greeted me with the words "They cut my hours." His company had held a meeting the week before to inform the employees that someone's hours would get cut because they were not busy enough at the present time. They asked for feedback and of course my husband told them he needed all of his hours to provide for our family of eight. When he returned to work this week he found out that one of the older men at his work who worked only part time would be not working temporarily and so we thought that was it. But when he got to work yesterday, they informed him that he would be losing one day of work a week. This puts him at only 30 hours of work a week at a very meager wage which allowed us to barely scrape by as it was before his hours were cut. I am thankful that he still has a job, the job that he got two years ago when he lost a better-paying job. Work here is scarce, so I have felt blessed that my husband has a job at all. The numbers won't add up for the coming months to be able to pay the bills. The numbers won't add up, and we have no savings, but God knows that. So I am relying on Him to take care of us. This is supposed to be temporary, but Husband isn't hopeful.

Close Up View of a Man Working on a Machine

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Backtrack 90 years ago or so...the majority of women were at home taking care of the household and children. Men could go out to work with confidence and not have to worry about competing with a drove of women for employment. They could be paid a higher wage for their hard work because of this. It would have been so nice if things had stayed this way wouldn't it?

Don't forget to hug your man today and praise God if he has a job.


  1. So sorry to read this today! God is in control, and he will provide for your needs!
    Mrs Stam

  2. Hope you don't mind, I share this post on my blog, if you mind please let me know! Praying for your family today!

  3. Thank you so much for this reminder. My husband and I just found out we're expecting our first child and I needed to hear this with how stressed we've been about finances. I hope things get easier for your family (especially your husband) soon :)

  4. No I don't mind, Mrs. Stam, thank you.

    Cecillia, I'm glad this helped. First of all, congratulations, & second of all, God gave you your new dear baby, and I believe He will also provide for your new child. What a blessing! Life will never be the same (and in a good way!) Trust Him :)

  5. Mrs. Q,

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband's hours at work were cut. The financial state in this country is unstable and uncertain for everyone. I just have to be thankful that my husband has a job to provide for us, but I never know what the future might bring, which is why I must try to always rely on the Lord.

    I also agree with the ending part of your post. Yes, it would have been nice if things stayed that way, but obviously, they did not. As a result, we must live in the nightmare that was created, ugh!

    I will be keeping your family in my prayers.

    Blessings and Friendship,

    -Lady Rose

  6. Nightmare is right, Lady Rose :(

    Thank you for your prayers.

    ~Mrs. Q

  7. Mrs. Q ~ what a blessing you are :) Im so sorry you are going through this. We too are in the same situation right now. Very scary. I know the Lord is in control. I cant see the future or what is going to happen, but He knows. Its hard to let go, its hard to hang in the midst of the air & hoping not to fall. Its like dangling by a thread from a tall building.

    Im praying for you & your family. May the Lords will be done, may He be glorified! truely, I pray! I will also put your name into my prayer journal & it will be a reminder for me to pray for all of you.

    Blessings ~

  8. So sorry to hear this. A little over a year ago, we were in dire straights for 2.5 months because hubby had no job, thankfully God has turned things around 360* for us here a year later, and I pray the same for your family. Yes, God is in control and He doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Though it's hard, we persevere.

  9. def. praying for you!! i know exactly how it is. we did it with a family of 9 on $16, 000 a year and it ain't easy!!! i will send the box this week i promise- i had to wait til michael got paid.

  10. You and my family are in my prayers Mrs Q. My family is also going through some financial difficulties, but I have peace that the Good LORD will provide for us abundantly, just as He will for your family. Lots of love from a sunny South Africa!

  11. Thank you so much for your kind words and your prayers, ladies. I appreciate you so much.

    God bless you,
    Mrs. Q

  12. I've just written a couple posts on this same topic. My husband was laid off mid october, and we still are not recieving employment benefits, don't know when or if we will. I don't work, and there is nothing coming in, and rent is due in 1 week. There is a purpose for all of this, a very very big one I believe, as so many Christian families are going through this right now. Currently every one of my close friends' husbands is laid off. (We're in Canada) We're living as tightly as possible already due to debt, so I'm not sure what we can do next. I'm praying for you, and for everyone else going through these difficult times.

  13. We're with you, sister. Right now we're waiting word on a job for my husband (who already, thankfully, has a job which isn't meeting our frugal needs) which would have him working out of state (Michigan) for two weeks and then home for two weeks. That's going to take some adjustment, but we do what we have to, right? We'll keep you in prayer & hope that God will grant more income soon.

  14. In 1997, our income went from $50,000 the previous year to $22,000 and as we had become Christians that year, we tithed on that $22,000! It was so amazing the way the Lord provided for all our needs that year. We were dependent upon Him for every need (isn't this the way it should be?! "Give us this day our daily bread"). As brand new Christians, our faith grew by leaps and bounds. I hope this doesn't sound insensitive and flippant, but praise the Lord for the way is working in your lives. I will pray for your family.


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