Some times we get so caught up in busyness, & for me the computer can be such a distraction. Can any of you relate? :) There is so much for me to do on it that I often get sidetracked from my original intention.
Yesterday we had a good amount of snow here (I guess it's our turn, finally). Today my children were begging me to go outside to make a snowman. I really wasn't looking forward to it, as I have a medical condition that worsens with pregnancy. My right leg has been really hurting me over the last few days, & the thought of standing out in the cold was not appealing to me at all! But I knew how eager they were, & how could I deny them? So after bundling the four girls up (the little boy stayed inside for a nap), we "braved" the cold! Oh & they had lots of fun, & I enjoyed watching them have fun :) . I took pictures but haven't uploaded them yet. And I helped them build their snowman. He was short :)
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That must have set the tone for the rest of the day, as I took time to really enjoy my sweet children-blessings. I am so blessed to be their mother, and boy, can they tell when you are just happy to be their sweet mother! Their demeanor changes along with yours. My 6 year old got to work on her drawing lessons today & begged to do more (but we ran out of time~I said maybe more tomorrow!)
Dear mothers, if you have joy in your heart, & thankfulness, (even in the midst of pain), your children will be so thankful & will imitate your joyful spirit. They will in turn show kindness to you & to eachother. How blessed I was by them clinging to me & asking me how they could help me towards the end of the day! They normally are quite sweet helpers, but it was only increased today, & there was no sign of a bad attitude (something I had been seeing too much of lately).
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So will you join with me in keeping at the forefront of your mind that your children are blessings, or will they see your scowling face most of the day, because, what, something isn't going your way, or as you had planned? One sweet lady I know from online actually literally started calling her children "Blessings" when addressing them~~it helped her to remember what they really are, & that they are entrusted to us by the Lord! Let us smile at our dear children & let them know by our words & actions that we love them!
I just ran across your blog and really enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteWell thank you so much! I hope you'll come back again!