Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Importance of Homemade Meals

Homemakers, do you know how important you are to your family's health?  Don't ever be fooled into thinking you are not really needed at home.  Your husband and children need you there to provide nutritious meals for them.  Please don't think you can pick up a box in the store and expect that to nourish their bodies and give them health.  If you are home, you are so blessed to be able to stir something up from scratch and strengthen your arms while you do it.  Why do we have so many diseases and people in bad health now?  I believe a major reason is that most women are no longer at home cooking nourishing food for their families and are instead picking up the boxed pre-made goods from the big food companies.

Blueberries Just Picked

Blueberries Just Picked

Art Print

Here is a video about what the "blueberries" are in store bought goods that are supposed to have actual blueberries in them.  Hint:  They're not blueberries!  You will have to go to the link to watch the video, but here is what it's about:

"The blueberries found in blueberry bagels, cereals, breads and muffins are REAL blueberries right? Wrong! Award-winning investigative journalist Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, exposes the deceptive chemical ingredients and dishonest marketing of "blueberry" products from big-name food and cereal companies. The blueberries, it turns out, are made from artificial colors, hydrogenated oils and liquid sugars."

You can watch the video here.  And then be proud you are home to cook your family a healthy meal!  (blueberries included : )  )

This post is linked to the Domestically Divine Link Up.

Happy baking!


  1. Same here home cooked meal all the way!!! We also save tuns on money doing it that way too :-)

  2. I love a home cooked meal any day over eating out. And it's a lot cheaper too! ;o)

  3. I just watched the video before I came here. I was surprised, but I don't buy those things anyway.
    Home made is so much better.

    My girls cook from scratch and when they took 4-H classed they didn't know how to cook from a box. I am not sure why 4-H is teaching cooking from a box anyway, but my family likes homemade better.

  4. You are sooooo right on this! It is so much better (and cheaper) to cook good, healthy food for our family. I hardly ever buy boxed junk.

  5. Dear Mrs Q...this post is close to my heart. You are right has only been since the disintegration of the American Home that obesity related illnesses have reached epidemic proportions. I have a degree in Community Health Education and have a Health Coaching business I am trying to get started from home.

    I reduced my working hours to 9-4 so I could get home to make delicious meals for the family. I always did this even working full time...but now I am much better at it. Thanks to my wonderful husband who is totally with me being home more. Even though all our children are teens, it is important for them to have me home and those home cooked meal smells waiting for them.

    Check out my website if you like..

    Thanks for Posting this important topic!

    Blessings to you,

    PS - I have lots of good recipes and homemaking ideas that are blog is devoted to keeping the home and balancing work outside the home...not the ideal I know, but a reality for many women.

  6. Mrs. Q,

    I have to admit, since I am a late-blooming Homemaker, I don't make everything from scratch, but I am working on it.

    However, I am thankful to be home full-time so I can cook my husband decent meals. When I worked outside of the home, this hardly ever happened.

    -Lady Rose

  7. Don't feel bad, Lady Rose. We learn little by little. I didn't know how to cook a single thing when I got married almost 10 years ago. It is a learning process. The important thing is that you learn new things little by little and then practice them over and over until you get better at them.

    Mrs. Q

  8. Wow, Mrs. Q, it's amazing about blueberries, but it goes to show you how important it is for us to make fresh meals.

    Thank you for the reminder. ;-)

    Thanks for linking up to Domestically Divine; always a pleasure to hear from you.

  9. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of home cooking on a day when I wanted to pick up canned soup and refrigerated pie crusts from the grocery store instead of making my own. Guess I'd better head to the kitchen! ;)

  10. I try to make everything from scratch, with all the wacky ingredients in food theses days I think it is very wise!


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