Sunday, February 27, 2011

Enjoying God's Creation

Today is like any other day for us.  Husband works.  We don't have a church right now, but that doesn't mean this can't be a special worshipful day.  Every day can be like that as we remember Jesus' resurrection.  He is risen indeed!  I will do school with our children, and I hope to take them outside.  They have so much fun when they're outside.  I am so thankful we have a yard they can run and play in.   They love to see the things that God has made, and they enjoy our "sand".  I don't like how the sand blows when it is windy~blowing into our eyes, blowing into the windows when we have to have them open in the summer...but still I will rejoice, because God's gift to us is that we have a little place to call our own where we can be outside and enjoying the things He has made.  We can hear the birds chirping, and as the days grow warmer we will see lizards scurrying about.  Sometimes we even do our schoolwork outside.  I hear the wind starting up though, so we may not be able to take our school outside today.  It was very cloudy yesterday, but today there is a little sunshine peeking through the clouds.

Sunshine Serenade

Sunshine Serenade

We are having homemade, soaked and from scratch pancakes this morning.  Eldest will have a mushroom and cheddar omelet.  Delicious.  It would be nice to bake some carob brownies today, but we shall see if I can squeeze it in.  I need to make more buttermilk, which will be ready in 24 hours from when I start it.  I use the buttermilk in my breads, oatmeal, pancakes, and many desserts.  I have been having trouble with my yogurt during the colder months, but I'm not sure if it was the colder temperatures or my crock pot going out.  My yogurt would not come out right and I wasted a lot of milk in the process.  I will try it again soon, and hopefully with success this time.

Many blessings on your Sunday, Friends.


  1. Hope you have a wonderful day enjoying God's creation! (Revelation 4:11)

  2. This is such a sweet post, Mrs. Q! You paint an image of a happy, peaceful home life. I hope you have a blessed Lord's Day, and that your week will be equally blessed. I had a crock pot go out on me a few years ago. Since it was several years old, and had worked perfectly for so long, it was hard for me to believe that it had stopped working!

  3. Mrs. Q,

    The way you described your Sunday was such a pleasure to read. Even though your husband was hard at work on the Lord's Day, you were able to find joy at home with your children and with homemaking. I could picture you moving joyfully around your home with a smile (until you got to the yougurt :).

    Have a blessed day, and I hope that you can figure-out the right combinations for your yogurt to turn-out well.

    -Lady Rose

  4. You have been awarded The Stylish Blogger Award :)

  5. A couple friends and I are starting up a new website/blog for set-apart sisters to connect and share. We'd love you to be a part of it! We are also looking for guest bloggers. Blessings, Hannah Rose

  6. Thank you all for your comments. Don and Shelly~love the idea of a 'family-integrated' church. I want to have the children with me :) It can be really hard to find a good church these days.


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