Saturday, April 23, 2011

Eternal Encouragement Magazine

Hello Dear Ladies,

I hope you are having a good Resurrection weekend.   I am a bit behind due to internet issues, so I need to take this time to give you my latest review for Gabby Moms.  This month I am reviewing Eternal Encouragement Magazine for you.

I received my magazine a few weeks ago, wrapped in clear cellophane to protect it from getting damaged in shipping.  I was actually surprised to see that it was not the size of a regular magazine.  Recently Mrs. Lorrie Flem decided to reduce the size of the magazine (in length and width).  At first I was kind of disappointed.  I thought it would probably reduce the value of the magazine somehow, but now I like the smaller size.  It makes it really portable, and if you're not careful, easy to lose too!  When I received it, I briefly thumbed through it (I was probably about to make dinner or something) and set it down with the other mail.  Somehow in the following days it was, erm, misplaced, by my children, and I had to discover where they had put it so I could get ready for review week!

Not to worry, though.  I could carry this little magazine (about 6" x 9") around with me everywhere, easily sneaking in a page or two here and there to find out what I thought.  It was even, um, easy to take in the bathroom when I could get a quick spare moment to read in peace and quiet!

Apparently each issue has a theme, and this issue's theme is "Time Flies".  Oh boy can I relate to that!  I can hardly believe our oldest is 9 and the baby has just turned 1 year old this month.  It is incredible how time gets away with us, especially with little ones.  I loved that the table of contents is well laid out so I could find something of interest (though the whole thing does interest me).  There are 3 "Departments" for the magazine:  Godly Women, Godly Homemakers, and Godly Mothers.  Within these Departments the related articles are listed with their page numbers for easy reference (just like any magazine table of contents), but I loved the different sections.

I really loved the "time" theme.  There were practical tips about saving time in homemaking and getting the children to help out, encouragement to spend quality time with those you love, and more wonderful tips for time management.  There were articles on how to have a good relationship with your daughters, young children, and teens.  There were articles on reducing messes and cleaning out clutter.  Especially important was the spurring on to focus our time on what is really important.  There are few magazines that I like to keep to reread, but this is definitely one of them.

One thing that I would like to mention:  there was one article about a lady's daughter who had a bad temper.  The parents determined she was under a generational curse and that the curse had to be broken, which I do not think is Biblically supported (though some may disagree with me).  I thought this might be something to mention for those who don't believe in that doctrine.  I believe the rest of the content (though I have not read every word) was great though and extremely helpful and encouraging.

If you would like to subscribe to Eternal Encouragement Magazine, you may subscribe at the website  Right now if you subscribe, you will get an instant download of the current issue, plus their brand new ebook "King of Our Castle".  If you subscribe for 2 years or more, you will get their "Family Fun Night" mini bundle too!

Thanks for stopping by.

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