Thursday, June 2, 2011

Are You Voting?

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If you haven't heard by now, there is some voting going on in the blogging world to see which 25 blogs will be featured as faith blogs by moms at the Circle of Moms website.  It has been surprising to see the turnaround in the top blogs over the last week or so.  Instead of "faith" being represented by many Christian moms, a great majority of the "faith" blogs are now blogs by professing witches and pagans.  The only reason I bring this up is that these blogs will be showcased at Circle of Moms and will have a lot of traffic directed towards them, and therefore a lot of visitors either directed towards heaven or hell.  I saw that one of these pagan bloggers urged her readers to go and vote for all of the professing pagan blogs, so I am urging you to go and vote for those bloggers you know and love as Christian women who can be a light in this dark world.  You can vote once every 24 hours for your favorite blog until June 8, 2011 at 5pm PST.  And it seems that you can vote for more than one blog each time you vote.  Blessed Homemaking has not been nominated, but many excellent blogs have, and I encourage you to vote for them.  Here are some I know and love and you may be familiar with:

There are of course, more, but I have been following these for some time and can recommend their content.  You may see the full list of blogs here.

Don't forget to vote every 24 hours!


  1. Mrs. Q,

    I am glad that you posted this. I also noticed the Pagan/Witches sites beginning to gain popularity, and this bothered me, but I thought I was the only one. I'm glad you noticed this too.

    I have been voting for the sites that you mentioned in this blog post as well, several times. Also, I noticed that a few of the Christian sites have "backed-out," and this was very sad to see. :(

    -L. Rose

  2. I know of one Christian site that is missing that was quite popular (Time Warp Wife)~I just know this happened after she posted the truth that these pagan ladies were lost...I am not sure what happened. Hopefully they did not remove her, but if so I guess we shouldn't be surprised!

  3. I saw this situation the other day too.
    It's a shock to see how the pagan mothers' blogs are being promoted as 'good'.
    But then is the Last Days we're in, and this is an obvious sign !
    I wish there was a separate poll for christian blogs..but I also don't want pagans to gain the upper hand in this one!
    Oh dear!
    Many souls are truly at stake..just as you say Mrs Q !
    bless you..Trish


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