Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Home Church

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The Whole Household, Including the Ma...

Sometimes, when church is missed, the family can have a home church.  The quiet of the home blesses the dwellers as traffic is missed.  The busy rush to make the church time is avoided...The family can snuggle under a big blanket on the couch and sip hot chocolate as a passage from the Bible is read.  Old hymns can be sung with joy amongst sniffling children.

Brilliant decor, pretty lights, warmth, and love fill the Home Church.  I like to have a "home church" every day.  It is wonderful to read the Bible with the children and learn from God's marvelous Word.  It is fun and uplifting to hear your children's voices raised to the Heavenly Father in adoration and praise.

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  1. When I was growing up we did not attend a formal church, my family of 6, my Uncle and his family of 8 and several other family members would meet at my Uncle's home and we held our own meeting lead by my father, Uncle and older male cousins/brothers. I have had very little to do with a formal church environment. It as very formal with a mix of hymns, silences and bible reading. For a child it required being able to sit very quietly and not fidget for over an hour, certainly was hard at times. But I did love the hymn singing (with no music) and still do.

  2. I love this idea. It would be a great way to instill in our children that the Lord is everywhere, everyday; not just at the church building on Sunday mornings.

  3. Yes, it's true. How can we leave Him out of anything we do?


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