Happy Days
Dear Mothers,
Are you living in your real life? Or living in life online? Real life is your life at home, with your children, with your husband. I look around when I go places, and it seems that people are expressionless, not really "there", or they're on their cell phones constantly and not paying attention to the people around them. I think it is sad that we have become so very attached to technology that it seems to run our lives. We can't imagine life without email, or the internet, or being able to call someone any time we want to. Social media is just about expected of everyone, and you almost can't get news from friends or family without it!
We do have a computer and internet, but I am thankful we do not have all the gadgets that are so prevalent in our culture. I have been busy ridding our home of clutter, and the more I do so, the more I am happy to have a simplified life. A life filled with less stuff, and filled more with the people I love and time spent with them.
Another thought is that we can so easily and immediately communicate with others, that we often forget or neglect to communicate with the One whom we should be talking with most! How many times have you put off reading your Bible because you had something else to read? Or run desperately to the phone or computer to ask someone advice without even asking the Lord first?
Technology isn't in and of itself, evil. But we need to be careful that we don't let it rule us. We need to use it as a tool, not be overcome by it. So will you join me and come back to real life?
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great post! and I agree with the people glued on their phone when out in public,makes me think on how much disconnect they must be at home.
ReplyDeleteI think it's better to be disconnected with the web in order to be connected to your family!
So true!
DeleteI agree with you, as I am also in the process of simplifying my life and working upon not spending so much time in "Technology Land."
ReplyDeleteThank you for this kind reminder Mrs. Q. I think it's one that all of us need to hear!
Good for you, Mara! and you're so welcome!
DeleteVery true! You have a lovely blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteOh yes! It is scary-the draw of technology and of eyes that have glazed over without our even being aware of it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for these truth-filled words that are life-giving!
We have lots of gadgets in our home and they do have their place - but knowing when to turn them off is the important thing. Not becoming addicted and having the ability to live without them 24/7.
ReplyDeleteWhen I am at work I can either make a phone call or send an email. On most occasions, talking on the phone is less complicated and so much easier to explain things to the other persons and it allows them to ask questions. I like to talk to people, it is more personable.
Amen sister, there is nothing that you can compare to real life and living with your precious family, if my children were small I would have no time for computer at all. My time is limited now cannot imagine how I could fit it in with little ones.
ReplyDeleteIf I have something to do, it gets done, never letting the computer take control of my life, it is nice to communicate with other fast and easy way to meet new folks, but give me real life any time over a box on my desk.
you are so right! as we pack up to move i am getting rid of sooo many things! simpler is better!
ReplyDeleteThat is a sobering post. Something I need to think about. thanks.
ReplyDeleteYou are rite indeed, I have walked down the street and see everyone busy on their phones..I remember to have your own phone when I was a Teenager was a huge privilege, I went to work at a fast food place at 14 1/2 and bought a phone line with a princess phone for 6.89 a month...now children 11 and younger have cell phones. The only reason I enjoy the computer is that I get to meet people like you from different parts of the world...Which reminds me I need too get back to my Bible Study,...wishing you a great afternoon hugs and much love...Janice
ReplyDeleteYes, the computer is nice for meeting like-minded women at least!
DeleteHow true! I took my daughters to the roller skating rink, and we noticed seveal mothers who were skating alongside their children, but texting on their phones too! Talk about not being 'in the moment'! What a nice memory that would have made for the children..mom enjoying their comapany.I feel so sad for those kids that feel like they don't come first in moms life. My girls commented as well, they were saddened by the sight as well.
ReplyDeleteWow, how very sad for those girls (and their mothers).