Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Be Benevolent

Mother and Children

"What we need most, are benevolent wives, mothers, and sisters in the dwellings of our over-burdened laborers. We need women for whom the roof about them and the four walls which enclose their dear ones are the only world they care to know. We need women who set their hearts on making their homes pleasant, sunny, and fragrant for the husband. He who works from dawn till dusk for the little home and wife and babes, looks forward to the warm welcome that awaits him when the long day is over; of the bright smile and the loving words that will be sure to greet him when he crosses the threshold of his own little Eden; of the cheerful fire in winter and the humble meal made so delicious by the love that prepares it and the sweet words that season it. This rest, security, and peace will encourage the overflowing heart of the husband and father and brother to think and to say that there is no spot of earth so dear and so blessed as the little sanctuary built up and adorned and made full of song by the true woman's heart."
~Noelle Wheeler, "Daughters of Destiny"

You may purchase this painting, Mother and Children, here.  

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  1. So true and so beautifully said.

  2. Thank you for this blessing added to my day. It surely was needed.
    Blessings on your day, sweet sister in Christ!


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