Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Earn at Home with the National Consumer Panel

"Grocery LIne," Saturday Evening Post Cover, November 13, 1948
Since many of you have expressed interest in learning ways to earn money from home, I wanted to share another opportunity with you.  I am a member of the National Consumer Panel (NCP).  The National Consumer Panel is the most prestigious of all household panels.  The NCP focuses on measuring consumer attitudes and behavior. The panel is made up of people whose opinions help manufacturers and retailers make decisions on what products to develop or improve.

When I go shopping I scan the items I bought with their handheld scanner, and then once a week I send in the information via the scanner.  I earn lots of points and sweepstakes entries for doing this.  They also send me surveys to complete for additional points.  The points are redeemable for items in their gift catalog.  They have a ton of wonderful, name brand products in there.  There are crock pots, vacuums, a Vitamix blender, cameras, baby items, and many other things.  They also often add in new items.

If you would like to join, it is easy to do. Just go here to sign up.
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  1. I'm a member too.
    They are very fair and helpful if you have a problem. Scanning my groceries helps me to watch the prices even closer.
    And last year I won one of their contests and got to pick ten gifts from their catalog.

  2. Yes, they are helpful, and I agree about prices. I even have many prices memorized from scanning all my items every week. How neat you won a contest!


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