Friday, May 15, 2015

It is Enough

Washing the dishes.
Doing the laundry.
Giving little ones baths.
Reading stories to your children.
Listening to the 100th "Why" question for the day.
Cleaning up the 5th spill of the morning.
Sharing with your children how they are sinners in need of Christ.
Cleaning the grubby, dirty bathrooms.
Comforting a hurt child who is in tears.
Going through a homeschool lesson until he gets it.
Putting away the school books to try again tomorrow.
Cooking 3 meals every day, for the same sweet little faces.
Cleaning up the mess...again.

It is enough.
It is enough!

I see so many women today who question if all these things (and more) that we do and even attempt to do at home are enough.  They are feeling the pressure to do more, be more--be more than a wife and mother and homemaker.

But we should feel in our calling to be homemakers.  To be at home, keeping our homes--keeping them safe and secure, beautiful with love and beautiful with laughter.  Filled with grace and peace and joy.

Set your desires on these things of home--of the Christian home!  We are raising the future of America, and it is important--this work we have to do.  And it is enough.


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  1. Well said. I am a wife at home and I get a lot of negative comments, especially from my doctors, who are mostly women! I don't have kids but I think it is even more important to stay home with them if you have them. I can't even meet someone without being told to get a job, it is frustrating.

    1. That is frustrating. How our society has been turned upside down! Praise God that you are still home, even without children. It's still important for you to be home, keeping your home and helping your husband in this way.

    2. Thanks, it is nice to hear. I held part time jobs when I was single, then most recently when my husband was unemployed for ten months, I was able to use the car for a part time job. I am happy being a homemaker again, even if it makes others upset for some reason.

    3. How wonderful you can be home again! I have been out in the workforce before too, and I was so miserable.

  2. Yes! It really is enough. We are so blessed and the sacrifices are so worth it. Thanks for this encouraging word today!


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