Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sacred Motherhood

"In the Old Testament, we see women do desperate things for a child (sharing husbands, stealing children)...undignified things which only a desperate person would do. While this method was neither right nor God-honoring, the instinct was natural and God-given: motherhood is an innate, instinctive, sacred gift from God. It wasn't just a matter of ranking or work, either. Children were seen as gifts----today's standard of treasures/ gold. Fathers with many children were rightly considered wealthy and the barren woman was shamed. Today, society (including the professing church) encourages women of all ages to close their wombs and to seek after the treasures of "education," "careers," and self-empowerment and satisfaction of any kind. They are told that they can have it and balance it all. They are discouraged from allowing motherhood to get in the way of their pursuits, whatever they may be---money, even ministry. Child-bearing age is limited to a tiny, unnatural window and it is a wonder why marriages are lacking...middle-aged women are duped into the lie that pseudo-masculinity surpasses being a female, and consequently sterilize themselves. With the exception of some circles, we don't see a wide age-range of expecting mothers anymore, swapping homemaking tips because home truly is their domain. Instead, we see dissatisfaction. Dear women, there is nothing more precious than a bouncing baby, beautifully formed, created to depend upon you. They are blessings, whatever your age, whatever your circumstance. And loving them, teaching them, raising them for the glory of God is incomparable. Our eyes are blinded...we say we are poor or irresponsible when we endeavor to receive all of God's blessings, but rich when their value is undermined for material pursuits. Dear Christian woman, may the Holy Spirit soften our hearts and give the courage to see with His eyes..."

~Whitney Ann Dotson

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  1. May God forever bless you! I was tremendously blessed by this. Thanks be to God and you.

    1. I'm so glad it blessed you, JoAnn! Many blessings to you ♥

  2. There is no better job than being a wife and mother and dedicating your life to it.
    Our modern society has it so wrong. God's ways are always best.

    1. Yes, I so agree. Sad how so many Christian women have bought into the lie...Praying for them to see the truth!


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