Friday, November 18, 2016

Homeschooled Children and Public Schooled Children

Children Fishing

This was posted via Exodus Mandate earlier today regarding whether or not home schooled children should get acquainted with public school children. 
Along with it, I would like to quote J.C. Ryle:
"Precious, no doubt, are these little ones in your eyes; but if you love them, think often of their souls.  No interest should weigh with you so much as their eternal interests.  No part of them should be so dear to you as that part which will never die."

Question & Answer for today:
Should Christian/Homeschooled children get acquainted with public school children to help prepare them socially for a life in the real world?

Studying Children

Answer #1:
The purpose of a Christian child’s education is to prepare them to interact with the world from a Christian perspective. Going to government school prepares them to be secularists; a thoroughly Christian education is the only way to prepare them for the devils “last days” onslaughts. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Rom. 12:2)

Answer #2:

As parents, we instinctively protect our children from any harm and evil. We continually discriminate on what we allow our children to watch, to associate with, and to read. Our intent is to discriminate against the evil and give them the positive influence so they will mature and leave home to start their own lives with godly character.

The parental life of constant evaluation of what goes before our children starts with the primary motivation to honor God through obedience to His revealed Word.

The scriptures are voluminous on God’s command for His covenant people to separate from the evil elements of the world system.

We cannot remain faithful and pure in our faith by continually embracing the lifestyle of a pagan culture. “See to it no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” (Col. 2:8)

Children Playing

How much more then, can we send our children to an institution that constantly displays the lifestyle of a pagan culture in attitude, language, philosophy, brutality, dress, sex, and a multitude of other vices, and not expect it to affect them in a negative manner?

Being street wise in the ways of the world is not a virtue. Even if our children are home schooled and/or attend a good Christian school, they are still bombarded daily with the pagan culture. One cannot even watch commercials on football games and not be aware of what goes on in the culture.

In conclusion, our ultimate goal for our children is no different than Christ’s great commission. We should desire that they mature and understand that all authority in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus Christ and they should aggressively take Christ’s commands into all areas of life and subdue it for the glory of God.

You cannot change a corrupt system by being part of it, or in the case of covenant children, to be weakened by the lures of sin before they mature and are trained.

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  1. I am 100% on board with you on this. However, I think that many Christians like us would like to put our children in Christian school or Homeschool but we have no option but to put them in public school because we cannot afford Christian school or both parents work to be unable to homeschool, so as many Christians shout for us to not go to public school, please tell us how in these circumstances to not do so. We cannot tell one another to turn to the better way unless there is a way. p.s one thing we can do is encourage our elected officials to give school choice. thank you

  2. Mom needs to come home instead of working. Whatever sacrifices need to be made to protect and nourish your children's souls are worth it. Please see Lady Lydia's excellent article "Do What God Says Do and Let Him Take Care of the Rest"


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