In the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge." ~ Psalm 57:1
Not content with the blessed fact that I was hidden "beneath His wings," my faith nestled up, as it were, to the loving heart that brooded over me, and found such a glow of everlasting love there, that all outside ills and evils were as if they were not. Oh, that such times were less rare! But if any timid, afflicted souls read these few lines, let me whisper to them to run at once to their God, "when troubles assail, and dangers affright." We are so safe when "covered with His feathers," so cared for, and comforted, and welcomed, so defended from everything that could harm us. "In the shadow of His wings There is peace. sweet peace; Peace that passeth understanding, Peace, sweet peace, that knows no ending: In the shadow of His wings There is peace, sweet peace. In the shadow of His wings There is joy, glad joy; There is joy to tell the story, Joy exceeding, full of glory: In the shadow of His wings There is joy, glad joy."
How good it is that we can run to our God in times of trouble! He is sweeter than any friend or any acquaintance. In Him is all goodness and truth, righteousness and grace, justice and mercy. In Him we have the dearest friend and the greatest place of refuge. How good it is to trust in Him and take to Him our cares, and what a privilege it is to do so.~ A Basket of Summer Fruit
by Susannah Spurgeon
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