Monday, June 25, 2018

Keepers at Home {Sermon}

"The difference between the traditional Christian interpretation of “keepers at home” and the modern version is considerable. While the traditional interpretation established the home as the sphere of a married woman’s work and calling, the modern understanding says that the term does nothing of the kind. While the traditional interpretation defined a married woman’s “career” as homemaking, the modern view teaches that a married woman may pursue a career outside of the home as long as she does not neglect homemaking. While the traditional interpretation calls the woman to focus her energy, time, and talents in the home in the service of her family, the modern view says that she is not so “restricted” and may go outside the home for her employment. Which is the correct understanding? It is our belief that the traditional interpretation is the correct one. This sermon defends this view by appeal to the meaning of the Greek word translated “keepers at home,” and on the wider Biblical teaching on the roles of the wife and mother."
This helpful and enlightening sermon can be listened to here.

A wonderful testimony from one of Blessed Homemaking's readers:
"Great article article. Thanks for standing on truth in this "modern day " when truth is anything but popular. We were the family that couldn't wait until the kids were in school full time so I could go back to full time employment. We needed the money of a second income. When our goal came to fruition it tore our family down. The second income still wasn't enough, meals weren't being made, the house wasn't being kept up and we didn't have time for the kids. My full time employment brought our family to the brink of divorce. The only explanation we have is that the Holy Spirit knocked us up along side the head and woke us up. We discovered that both me and my husband were tearing our family down. He asked me to quit my job and we would step out in faith for once and let God provide for our needs. We have seen due to our obedience, God did open unexpected doors for us and we are now flourishing financially-all on my husbands work, while I keep the home. A year after I quit my job we brought the kids home too and are now homeschooling them. We could go on and on explaining how wonderful it has been since we fully put our trust in the Lord, but not everyone wants to hear or trust. We now see that this is a very basic principle that is at the heart of why our society is failing and why it will continue to fall down the rabbit hole. Found this link that is a text version of this sermon you shared. "

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