Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Read the Bible as a Family

Family worship time is so very important.  The Puritans of old completely understood this and made it a great priority to have time in God's Word together as a family.  If you are not doing this already, I would greatly encourage you to start now.  Ideally, the husband would lead the family devotions, but if for some reason he is absent, unwilling, or not a Christian, than you, as mother must do it yourself.  God will help you.

If you do not know how, here is a resource that I just came across today that will be quite helpful.  We do not make it our goal to get through the Bible in a year, as my husband prefers to take the time on each passage to bring out the deep, spiritual meaning. However, I think this article provides a lot of good information for having your own Bible time as a family.

Another way to have family Bible time ~ How to Have Family Bible Study

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