Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What Being Quiverfull Means


Being quiverfull to me means that I agree with God that children are what He says they are: a gift, a reward, a blessing, an inheritance, not what the culture says they are: a drain to society, a pollutant to Mother Earth, an inconvenience. 
~Amy Cupp Morris

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  1. Thank You for this post. God Bless and have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. You're very welcome, & I pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  2. As a mother of 12, I thank you for this beautiful reminder of the preciousness of our children. In the busyness of the season approaching (and regular life too!), it is easy to think that our children are "in the way". Instead we need to slow down and include them in our activities and make sure they know how precious they are to us.

    1. You are so very welcome. Indeed--they are so precious & their existence puts real meaning into the work we are doing at home. Thank you for the helpful reminders.


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