Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Planning Your Day

Hello ladies! I'd like to know how you go about your day-to-day activities. Do you use a schedule? Do you just have a to-do list? Do you just run a-muck & tackle things as they come up? :)
I've tried lots of different things & am not sure what I like best. Of course, with anything, we have to work at our homemaking--it's not going to just happen by itself! I sometimes have to remind myself: All labor brings profit.

I am looking at a couple of planners to help with my homeschool record-keeping & to remember things I need to do. Currently I have nowhere but loose pieces of paper to write things down & I have tried some different record-keeping on the computer, but it is sometimes a hindrance for me to have to get online to do that.

Here's what I'm looking at:

And an online friend also recommended this planner to me:

Please tell me what works for you!

Ennis, Brown House

Buy at

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