Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quick Note

Hello dear readers,

I don't mean to leave you hanging, I've just been so preoccupied with an infection that has been plaguing me for quite some time now. I am now on my 3rd round of antibiotics & hopefully, this is the last of the problem. I pray to God that it is the last, as I have so much to do & need to be able to be on my feet! Praise be to God that He has sustained me, and I pray He will allow for my complete healing. If you would please pray for me, I would appreciate it.

Thanks for stopping by.

Little Girl with Pray Rock

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  1. I'll remember you in my prayers.

    I've missed you and I'm fine. Thanks for asking. :)

  2. Mrs.Q, I will pray for you.I hope you are feeling much better soon.I enjoy your blog & appreciate the work you put into it. God bless!

  3. Thank you so much, Linda! I appreciate you reading my blog. May God bless you.


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