Friday, September 30, 2011

How to be an Energized and Fulfilled Woman of God

As a mother and homemaker, have you ever felt exhausted, irritable, and overwhelmed?

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Mmmm-hmmmm.  Thought so.  I know we all do, as there are so many things for us to "do".  This brings me to my latest review for the Gabby Moms.  Our mission for this month was to review a brand new DVD from Eternal Encouragement and Mrs. Lorrie Flem.  Yes, that's right.  A DVD!  This is a new format that Lorrie has produced to help moms and homemakers glean some great advice from her.  This new product is not a download but is physically shipped to your door so you can watch it at your own convenience.

This particular DVD is titled "From Exhausted, Irritable, and Overwhelemed to...An Energized & Fulfilled Woman of God".  Lorrie herself sits down in front of the camera to share many things on her heart and fits everything nicely into an acronym, "Real Rest", to help us remember how to get real rest.  Lorrie reminds us that Jesus said only one thing was needed.  How can we obtain this?  There are many helpful tips on this video, but I will share one of them with you.

I love how Lorrie points out that during the process of Creation, God stopped every day and observed what He had done, and said that "It was good"!  How we as busy mothers and wives could learn from this!  We need to "stop and smell the roses" so to speak...Enjoy the things we have accomplished, and this is exactly what Lorrie exhorts us to do.  How many of us are up to our knees in dirty laundry and dirty diapers and need to remember to stop and be thankful for what we are getting done.  Lorrie reminds us that motherhood is a journey.  We need to enjoy the journey, not just be looking for that perfect end result.  We need to enjoy today.
There is so much more wisdom in this lengthy video, I cannot share it all with you here.  I merely listened to this video for many portions while I took my detox baths (if you've read my blog recently, you know I'm on a special diet for health).  I sure enjoyed getting to "sit down" with Lorrie though and "see her face-to face" at the other times though!  What a great format for learning!  The DVD also includes extremely helpful PDF study guide notes and an outline of the video, complete with scripture references and fill in the blanks to help you remember what you learn in the video, as well as space for taking notes.

This video and study guide surely blessed me, as I'm sure it will you.  I am grateful to be a part of this program!

As I'm sure you know, I received these products free of charge to review for Eternal Encouragement, but my opinions expressed here are completely my own, honest opinions.

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  1. Wow! Sounds like a DVD I would like to own. :)

    I did not know you were taking detox baths and special diet for health but it sounds interesting. I'll have to read up on that sometime this coming week.

    God bless!

  2. The DVD sounds very interesting. I quite like looking at DVDs, being a visual person, often I remember more than perhaps when I am reading (especially if I'm tired). Having a study guide would also be very useful.

  3. Very good post, I love to stop and look at what I have achieved daily also, and then to be refreshed for the next day. If I do accomplish at least one thing every day, I feel it has been wasted. Thanks and have a good weekend.

  4. Thank you for your visit, ladies. Have a wonderful weekend ♥

  5. Oh, Mrs. A, the post on my diet is here

  6. Thanks again for the reminder to look at what IS done instead of concentrating on all that ISN'T!

  7. Hello! Great review about this DVD. I enjoyed it also and am blessed to hear about having REAL REST. God bless you!

  8. Nice review! Do the detox baths help? I pray that your health is restored!

  9. Thank you ladies! Yes, Carie, the detox baths help (it is just part of what I am doing).

  10. Nice review. I really liked the old picture at the top. Shows that time hasn't changed much for mothers. We're always still on the go, and we ALL need to find "real rest."

  11. So true, Victoria. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. By the way, that's such a great picture you have on this post. I love your blog!


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