Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Blessings of Keeping the Home

Keeping the home is not a drudgery.  It is a great blessing.  Cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, reading stories to little children, watching your children take their first steps, speak their first words, listening as older children tell you their thoughts and exciting things that have happened, are not to be taken lightly or cast off as "just chores".  While we work, we show our children how to work.  We watch over them, train them, and put the living God before their very eyes.  We serve our families with love when we do these things for them, things that they need done.  We love our children when we train them in things they need to know.

While we work, we can smile.  You can smile because you are right where God wants you, whether it be a "wonderful day" when many things go right, or whether it be a day when many things go wrong...You can smile.

You can smile while you hang up the laundry to dry (or put it in your handy dryer), giving your family clean, fresh clothing to wear.

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You can smile as you vacuum the floors of your house, giving your family a nice clean place to rest in.

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You can smile as you empty (or load) that great invention of a dishwasher, which gives you much less dishes to wash by hand.  Clean plates to eat on are always a blessing!

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You can smile as you serve up something delicious for your family to feast on...

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Or a dessert for a special treat!

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You can smile as you do those tedious tasks...Because it blesses your family!

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While we may not always be thanked for the work that we do, and we receive no paycheck...What better reward is there than to bless our family with good things and a good home?  What better reward is there than to train up children so that they will know His Name?  The Lord in Heaven above sees all that we do, even when others don't notice!  We are blessed beyond measure with a glorious appointment of duty!

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Shared with:

The Simple Joys of Life 
Domestically Divine 
Raising Homemakers
Women Living Well


  1. Amen!

    What a encouraging post to read :-)

  2. I like cleaning for the most part. It gives me time to think and pray.l

  3. Amen! I LOVED this post Mrs. Q! It is an encouragemnt and inspiriation for all Homemakers! :)

    I loved the black and white Homemaker photos as well. :)

  4. Very well-written and touching. "...a glorious appointment of duty" I love that! : ) A Joyful day to you!

    In Him and content,

  5. i agree- AMEN!
    and those pics of you cleaning the house are beautiful ! lol lol lol

  6. I so agree that we can smile because we know that we are in God's will. Excellent post! Thank you. :)


    Mrs. A

  7. i agree with you. I feel very blessed to be keeping home for my family. Thank-you for this beautiful post!

  8. You are welcome, ladies. I am so glad it was encouraging. ♥

  9. Amen, Emily!
    This is so very true.
    Well said and beautifully written, my friend!!
    Thank you for the encouragement.

  10. Lovely post - lots to think about. I do love the pictures in this post too!


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