Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome Home, Daddy {Book Review}

This book arrived beautifully wrapped for this month's review for the Gabby MomsWelcome Home, Daddy, is an entreaty to welcome home your husband with the joy and comfort he so richly deserves, simply because he is your husband!

What meets your husband when he comes home from a hard day of work?  Is it chaos?  Screaming children?  Piles of laundry?  Toys strewn across the floor?  A harried, pajama-laden mother?  Is there no dinner in sight?  Do you even greet your husband when he comes home?

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Thank goodness we don't have to wash the laundry like that anymore!

Well never fear, Lorrie Flem of Eternal Encouragement has been there too.  In fact, she relates humorously how she used to saute onions and boil some spices when she realized her husband was coming home and she had not made dinner, to make it appear she had been busily cooking in the kitchen!  In this book, Lorrie doesn't seek to condemn those who struggle but encourage and give help to those who seek it.

This book is filled to the brim of ideas and guidance to make your abode a pleasant place for Daddy to come home to, as well as for the family to live in.  Lorrie truly believes that a Christian wife's domain is in the home, which I greatly appreciate.  There is a whole chapter devoted to Scripture and reassurance in being a keeper at home.

This book is full of advice to make dinner time a sacred, family get-together as opposed to just a dish thrown on the table.  She covers how to be a gracious host, how to set the table to make it special, and how to properly prepare for your husband's homecoming!  Bedtimes, family ministry, and special celebrations are also covered, as well as homemaking in general, which makes this a great book for any wife wanting to keep a warm, inviting home for those who enter therein.

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If you would like to review the wonderful products produced by Lorrie Flem and Eternal Encouragement magazine, The Gabby Moms program is still accepting applications for next year!

As I'm sure you know, I received these products free of charge to review for Eternal Encouragement, but my opinions expressed here are completely my own, honest opinions.

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  1. My husband is going through a difficult time at work so making sure the home is stree free and mess free is very important. I also like to cook his favourite meals dinner certainly helps reduce some of that stress.

  2. I am very thankful that I'm not washing laundry by hand! Those women were tough cookies. Great review :)

  3. Thank you, Carie. I agree; they were tough!

  4. We certainly can't argue with God now can we? So thankful that Lorrie's thoughts are not her own, but based on what God has already said. Practically how to live that out, she gives great ideas!

  5. You are so right, Mrs. Q, Lorrie definitely encourages and doesn't condemn!
    Thanks for sharing some great thoughts.

  6. No, Cindy, we can't argue with God!
    Thank you for visiting, Betsy.


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