Monday, October 31, 2011

Sulky Wife

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When husband comes home from a hard day at work, what does he see on your face?  Scowling frown, furrowed brow?  Did you know this is not a pleasant thing for your husband to come home to?  Could you try instead to speak to him joyfully, to greet him with a smile, to tell him you're happy that he's home instead of bombarding him with your own problems and how he's failed to meet your expectations?

There is power in joyfulness.  Even if you've had a bad day, or you feel your husband is doing something rotten, you still can be "merry".  Contrary to what you may think, "punishing" him by your sullen demeanor is not going to "convict him of his sin".  However, he will probably come to dread being around you and will disappear by engulfing himself in movies or video games or by physically leaving.  Just love him (and respect him!) the way he is, and wait for God to do the changes.  Any change he makes in reaction to your frowning disapproval will not be lasting anyway.  It is better to let God change the heart, then to try to force changes upon someone.

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. (Proverbs 15:13)

When you two first got married, you didn't scowl at each other all the time!  There was joy then; find it now!  Place your trust where it belongs--in Jesus Christ who is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" (Ephesians 3:20).  He can also give you the ability to be joyful in the midst of sorrow or just in the general day-to-day life.

Pray.  Remember when things are uncertain or not going well, to pray!  Praying is our lifeline to God.  All we need to do is ask, and talk to Him.  Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus!  If we would only remember to take each care and concern to Him instead of getting all worked up about something we cannot immediately change! 

What we keep in our hearts will affect what comes out.  Yes, life is hard, but the Saviour is bigger and more wonderful than any sorrow or trouble.   

All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. (Proverbs 15:15)

A joyful heart will even effect our health...A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

Today, can you give the gift of a joyful, thankful heart to your husband?

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  1. You know, I heard something one time that really helped me in regards to how our spouses can do certain things to drive us to the brink, lol. We all know that we are to forgive but in a marriage that can be especially difficult when you know that what you are forgiving today you will have to forgive tomorrow and the next day and the next as well. I heard someone say that sometimes it's not that we forgive someone for what they do...but sometimes we are called to forgive someone for who they are. That puts a whole new spin on it and, for me at least, can make forgiving for the same things over and over again much easier. God bless! :-)

  2. I always try my best to show how much I appreciate my husband when he comes home. Of course, I still have my "off days."

    Thank you for this lovely reminder Mrs. Q! We certainly don't want to "scare" our husband's away with our sulky behavior!

  3. This is a very good reminder but it can be hard sometimes. Thank you for your wise words.

  4. I'm sure he appreciates that, Madame :)
    Yes, Joluise, it is not always easy.

    Thank you for visiting.

  5. A wise, biblical post. Thank you for this reminder, so well-written and heartfelt. We've all been there, but let us remember the Lord's desire to forgive us over and over again for the same in, day out. :)


  6. So true! And thank you for the reminder. :)

  7. Hi Mrs. Q, thank you for this wonderful post! It is so true. We have the power to make the time our husbands come home from work the happiest part of the day. It is also a great thing to the teach the children, to welcome Dad home, to stop what they are playing and take a moment to give him a kiss and hug. A smile and kiss reconnects us after a long day apart. Having a special snack ready for him or something cooking in the kitchen will make him feel rewarded for his hard work. A man who works hard to support his family so that his wife can be at home where she can fulfill her womanly role is a man who is to be treasured. Even if he doesn't always respond the way we would like him to, it is good for us as women to show nurturing kindness. Thank you for passing this wonderful advice along. Delisa :)


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