Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Homemaking Morning

Les Lavandieres, the Washerwomen, 1895

Today will be another dreary day, but I do not mind.  I would rather the weather be cooler than too hot.  I really cannot stand hot weather!  It had been getting unusually warm here already, so I am thankful for the cooling off, at least for a few days.

We will hopefully be able to stay at home today, as we have had to make trips all too often lately.  I enjoy being home so much.  I am a quiet sort of person, and running around different places wears me out.

I will need to wash a few loads of laundry today.  I already have one in the dryer and another one in the washer.  I am so thankful for those machines.  I will teach the children today and hopefully we will get all of our schoolwork done--Bible, History, Spelling, Language, Math, Science, Reading, and Foreign Language today.  Then with my littlest "student" I have separate lessons to teach--she is starting to learn to read and is so excited about it.  I am thankful for the Lord giving her the ability to learn to sound out words and that I am able to teach her.  I tell her that this will enable her to read God's Word!  What a wonderful time it is when a new child starts learning how to read.

Later I hope to get the kitchen floor mopped and do some more cleaning in there.  The kitchen is the busy hub of the home and needs much attention.  I also need to make more capsules for different health concerns, as I make my own pills from herbs.  I pray I can have endurance to get through the day's tasks.  Then I hope to read several chapters in my Bible before I retire to bed at an earlier time than I have been lately.

On a side note, I had to add word verification to my comment form because I was getting SO many spam comments.  Please let me know if this is an issue for you, either by commenting here, or emailing me at blessedhomemaking (at) gmail (dot) com.

May you have a blessed, productive day.

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  1. I have just the same....I love to be at home and I am also a Quiet person.
    I really enjoy my work at home!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leave such a nice comment.
    Greetings from Holland.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Dieneke! Enjoy your homemaking day ♥

  2. I am not troubled by spam, but I have noticed some Horrible Sites ( a couple over three months) have landed on my blog as unwanted visitors ~ I think they were automatic 'crawlers'. It was very unpleasant nonetheless, and I changed the blogaddress slightly as soon as I found out. Yuk!

    Being at home is therapeutic, we give ourselves quite an agenda, though!
    Blessings to you and you 'little pupils' :)

  3. I am so amazed at how fast the days go by! I love to be at home and yes I also thank God for the servants He has given me such as (my stove, and washing machine, and my vacuum cleaner)
    Both of my sewing machines are on the fritz, we will take them in to be repaired tomorrow.
    I pray you're blessed and refreshed and walk in His strength this week. I have always needed a lot of sleep, so off to bed I go!
    Blessings, Roxy

  4. I love being home too. I call myself Mama Hermit.
    If I have a day when I'm gone most of the day, the next day it seems as if I have twice as much work to do. I would rather be home and keep up with things.

  5. You have a lovely blog :) I am enjoying my visit here very much! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.. Well, off to do some Friday cleaning!


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