If you've ever known someone who lost a loved one, you probably wanted to help. Maybe your heart ached for their loss, but you didn't know how to help. Maybe you were afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing. It can be hard to know what to do when someone close to you is stricken with grief. Maybe it's even harder with someone you don't know quite so well but still want to help.
Lorrie Flem of Eternal Encouragement has written an excellent guide to help you with these issues. Lorrie draws on her own personal experiences with death and serving others in the grieving process. Healing Hearts with Helping Hands
I think this book will be very helpful for many, if not all, people, as we will all know someone at some point who has a loved one who dies. I have a very dear friend who lost her husband a while ago, and I would have loved to have this rich resource then. I would recommend everyone pick up a copy of this book so you can be prepared to be a true blessing to someone when the time comes. We cannot take away all of the bereaved one's grief, but we sure can lighten their load and bless them.
On April 29, 30, and May 1st you can receive this newest Kindle ebook for only $0.99. Did you know you don't need a Kindle
I received this product in exchange for my honest review.
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