Monday, January 4, 2016

Preserving Your Precious Memories

Vintage Photo Album

I have been thinking a lot lately about how important it is to take note of the things we experience as a family.  The children say so many cute things that I later forget about, or we do something as a family and forget the details.  Our memories fail us, so how will the stories live on?  Wouldn't it be great if there was an easy way to keep records of our experiences and lives that we could share with those we love but still have privacy from others?  I don't want our precious memories to be forgotten, nor to forget the things the Lord has done for us.

Then I came upon a new site that was built for just this sort of thing, and even more.  iBiographer is a site that was created to preserve memories and family history.  I have never seen a site like it.  iBiographer is designed to help you create a living family history, however you want to do it.  It allows you to create and share content with family members all over the country, or even all over the world.  iBiographer is more private than a typical social media platform.  You can invite family and/or friends to contribute to your biographies, but you still get to have the final say on what stays in the content.

iBiographer allows you to
  • Record births, marriages, and deaths
  • Share photos, videos, music, documents, and stories
  • Create new stories, and record activities in an online format anyone in the family can see
  • Collaborate and interact with other family members to add content and keep memories alive
You can also create a Family Tree, biographies, and/or video shows for special events.

I really like the idea of this site and think it is a great tool for families.  I have been feeling a bit sad lately about our family memories not being preserved, but I think this is a great way to do it!  I think iBiographer is a great way to preserve life stories and memories and connect generations--a wonderful way to pass things down to your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.  You can find more information about iBiographer in their press release here.
Similar to an online family reunion and more private than typical social media platforms, members can interact and share data with one another. - See more at:
Similar to an online family reunion and more private than typical social media platforms, members can interact and share data with one another. - See more at:
Similar to an online family reunion and more private than typical social media platforms, members can interact and share data with one another. - See more at:
Vintage Photo Album Photographic Print

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