Tuesday, May 1, 2018

One Day Your Daughters will Grow Up

In day-to-day life, in the busyness of the home, we may have a tendency to lose track of what is most important. There is laundry to wash, fold, and put away. There is mending to be done, academics to teach to our children, three meals to provide for hungry bellies every day. There is shopping to attend to, meals to be planned, husbands to support and encourage, and of course spend time with. Not to mention all the unexpected things that pop up in our every day lives. These things are a part of our homemaking duties and are good, worthwhile things. We should be happy to do all of these things and more at home, even if we do not find each one of them pleasant.

But in all of our toiling and sacrificing for our families, we must keep the future in mind.  You can read the rest of today's post at Raising Homemakers.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Michelle. It is good to hear from you!

  2. Hello! I really enjoyed your post - as usual!
    I wanted to ask you a question... I remember seeing online a printable planner last year, I believe, and I can't remember what it was called or from where, but I recall it being pink, and having some lovely images, maybe a bicycle too.. I can't even remember if it was a homemaking planner but anyway, I thought I'd ask you if you recall anything like it or know of a resource similar. I was able to see the sample pages at the time, and there were many and I had really liked it. I wish I had bought it then!

    1. Hello again! Thank you.
      I'm not sure what planner you saw. I do have one printable planner on my sidebar--there are lots of lovely colored pictures--maybe that was it? It's called Mom's Tool Belt http://momstoolbelt.com/dap/a/?a=1466&p=momstoolbelt.com/moms-home-journal


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