Thursday, September 17, 2020

When There is Life


No one ever breaks into "the house of life" and is innocent or unpunished. The moment conception takes place, that moment there is life; and whether the crime be committed in six hours, six weeks or six months, the sin is in all case of equal enormity. Murder is in the intent, not in the act alone. When you intend to rid yourself of the little life if possible, you have committed murder as surely as if the murdered child lay dead in your arms. 

~Emma F. Angell Drake, MD

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  1. sooooo true i'm pro life and i have been trying to tell people this for years thanks for posting

  2. Powerful. Life does begin at conception. I've also met women who thank God that they kept their baby, and they have mentioned how much guilt they still feel for having contemplated their precious child's death. They've asked for forgiveness from God, but still the waves of guilt wash over them. But then they break into rejoicing again that their baby is alive! It's so important to speak these truths, as PP only tells lies. Thanks for speaking up. Janine


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