Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day + Homeschool Help

Dearest Mothers,

Oh, do you love or loathe this day?  Does it remind of you of your failures, or of your blessings?  Though I have many failings and of course have not always done things "right" or perfectly, my children always bless me on Mother's Day, and my husband.  I just can't believe how blessed I am, and can only thank God that He took me from being a person who never wanted children to a blessed mother of many, plus several more in Heaven.  Oh, the sadness and joys that motherhood brings.  Oh, the trials and the blessings both.  How can I thank God enough that He has given me motherhood and continues to sanctify me through it, (and how can my children write cards to me of how I am the Proverbs 31 woman?!)  I think they think too much of me!  My children are wonderful, and I thank God for each one of them.  Motherhood has not been, and is not easy.  It takes almost everything I have, every day, but Lord willing, what I have given into it will live on long after I am gone from the earth.

I pray for you that even if today you have not been so blessed, if you are in sorrow over bits and pieces of motherhood, that you may remember that we cannot do it alone; we cannot be godly alone.  We must seek Christ's help every day to lead and guide and provide for us.  And where things are broken, God can heal.  And God sees your toils and your labor of love, and He cares for you very much.

If you are a homeschooling mother like me, can you relate to wanting to change things up?  Though we school year round and still have many weeks to go until we are done with this year, I am completely caught up in my thoughts of next year.  Though I have used some Charlotte Mason Inspired curricula over the years, I am wanting to give my children a different kind of education next year entirely...One filled with living books and things to learn and see and do.  I have been giving myself a "mother's education" in how to do this, and my learning continues almost daily as I try to prepare.  A Charlotte Mason education includes learning through living books (not textbooks or workbooks, which we have often used), nature study, picture study, composers, and so much more.  Learning is demonstrated by narration instead of filling in blanks ono worksheets.

If you don't know much about a Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling and want to learn more, there is a conference on this very topic starting tomorrow.  I'm sorry to say that the early bird pricing (which is $30) ends on May 14th, but perhaps you can still get in before the time is up (you can still purchase after the early bird pricing ends)!  In the conference, you will learn how to incorporate Charlotte Mason’s methods in your home alongside real moms who have embraced the Charlotte Mason philosophy in their own homes.  I love how the producers of the conference say that 

"We believe that children should be educated in a way that instills a love of learning and a love of God."

And Charlotte Mason herself said

“Of the three sorts of knowledge proper to a child,—the knowledge of God, of man, and of the universe,—the knowledge of God ranks first in importance, is indispensable, and most happy-making”

– Charlotte Mason (Vol. 6, p. 158)


You can check out the schedule and speakers below.  I hope you find this helpful.  God bless you all today.


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1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your Mothers Day was a blessing! Your post and my motherhood journey made me think of the verse " Love covers a multitude of sin". I, too, believe that my children think too much of myself :) Through His grace alone and for His glory! Blessings, Giovanna


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