Thursday, July 21, 2011

Five R's for Godly Womanhood {Product Review}

This month's review I am doing for the Gabby Moms is so rich and full of content, that I will only be reviewing the first two sessions.  The last three will be reviewed in August.  The first two sessions in the Five R's for Godly Womanhood are Refresh: A Woman Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone (Session 1) and Rekindle: Red Hot is So Cool (Session 2). These sessions include both audios and e-books for each session.

Let me just say that Mrs. Lorrie Flem has given us another wonderful product to use to strengthen and encourage us mommies, wives, homeschoolers, and homemakers.  The first session, Refresh: A Woman Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone is all about that most important part of a Christian woman's life: spending time with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Without this vital aspect, a woman is sure to fail, even if she has the best intentions.  Lorrie points out that in order for any relationship to be successful, you must spend time with that person you want the relationship with.  This is of course also true of our relationship with the Lord.  Mrs. Lorrie Flem gives several practical ways to make time for this essential aspect of our lives, how to dig deeper into the Word, and how to really study the Bible.  She also covers important areas such as memorizing Scripture and even shows ways to make your time with the Lord precious and enjoyable.  If you have ever felt, as I have at times, that you just could not find a way to fit in time alone with the Lord, this session will surely prove you wrong, and help you to get back on the right track!

The second session in the Five R's for Godly Womanhood is Rekindle: Red Hot is So Cool.  Can you guess what that is about? ....  If you guessed marriage, you are right!  This session will take you through all different aspects of marriage and pleasing your husband.  Have you ever felt that you had a right to be distant, angry, or unresponsive to your man?   Most likely you have at one time or another, like most wives.  I just love how Lorrie does not hold back on us here though.  Like the older, experienced woman that she is, she gently and pointedly explains the duties of wives, and helps us learn to be the wives we are supposed to be in light of God's Word.  I love that about Lorrie--she simply points out in God's Word where are directive is, and then encourages us to do just what it says.  In this session, Lorrie even shows you how to do what you are supposed to do, even if you don't feel like it, or don't feel love for your husband.

Stay tuned next month to hear about the rest of this amazing bundle of Encouragement!

Have you enjoyed reading my Gabby Moms reviews?  Does this sound like something you would enjoy partaking in for yourself and to help get the word out about these exceptional products?  If you are a blogger and love Eternal Encouragement's products, then you will be very happy to know that the Gabby Moms is now accepting applications for next year's group of reviewers!  If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then go ahead and take the first step.

As I'm sure you know, I received these products free of charge to review for Eternal Encouragement, but my opinions expressed here are completely my own, honest opinions.
Be blessed.


  1. Good summary of the first 2 sessions.

  2. You are so right how Lorrie points out what God says. Can't argue with God now can we? Well, we can...but doesn't do any good.

    I like the way you talked about applying to become a Gabby Mom.


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