Thursday, August 8, 2019

God's Solemn Charge to Parents

God has entrusted to parents a most solemn charge, and yet a most precious privilege. It is not too much to say that in their hands are deposited the hope and blessing, or else the curse and plague, of the next generation. Their families are the nurseries of both Church and State, and according to the cultivating of them now will be their fruitfulness hereafter. Oh, how prayerfully and carefully should you who are parents discharge your trust. Most assuredly God will require an account of the children from your hands, for they are His, and only lent to your care and keeping. The task assigned you is no easy one, especially in these superlatively evil days. Nevertheless, if trustfully and earnestly sought, the grace of God will be found sufficient in this responsibility as in others. The Scriptures supply us with rules to go by, with promises to lay hold of, and, we may add, with fearful warnings lest we treat the matter lightly. 
~ Arthur Pink
Have you thought about where and how your children will be educated?

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  1. I am a grandmother now, but I have the privilege of living with my youngest son and his family. I am blessed that he and his wife are raising their daughters in the Lord. My prayers are my input😊.
    I appreciate the pastor's of old. Godly men who dared to speak truth.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. You sound very blessed indeed! Yes, I appreciate the pastors of old as well, who weren't afraid of offending by speaking the truth. We need more brave men like this.

  3. It is a blessing.My desire is to have a privilege of raising a remnant.

  4. It is a blessing.My desire is to have a privilege of raising a remnant.

  5. It is a blessing.My desire is to have a privilege of raising a remnant.


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